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Author: PoolTogether Inc. & G9 Software Inc.

Factory contract for deploying new prize vaults using a standard underlying ERC4626 yield vault.

State Variables


List of all vaults deployed by this factory.

PrizeVault[] public allVaults;


Mapping to verify if a Vault has been deployed via this factory.

mapping(address vault => bool deployedByFactory) public deployedVaults;


Mapping to store deployer nonces for CREATE2

mapping(address deployer => uint256 nonce) public deployerNonces;



Deploy a new vault

Emits a NewPrizeVault event with the vault details.

The caller MUST approve this factory to spend underlying assets equal to YIELD_BUFFER so the yield buffer can be filled on deployment. This value is unrecoverable and is expected to be insignificant.

The yield buffer is expected to be of insignificant value and is used to cover rounding errors on deposits and withdrawals. Yield is expected to accrue faster than the yield buffer can be reasonably depleted. The yield buffer should be set as high as possible while still being considered insignificant for the lowest precision per dollar asset that is expected to be supported. Precision per dollar (PPD) can be calculated by: (10 ^ DECIMALS) / ($ value of 1 asset). For example, USDC has a PPD of (10 ^ 6) / (1)=10e6p/1) = 10e6 p/. As a rule of thumb, assets with lower PPD than USDC should not be assumed to be compatible since the potential loss of a single unit rounding error is likely too high to be made up by yield at a reasonable rate. Actual results may vary based on expected gas costs, asset fluctuation, and yield accrual rates. This factory will transfer an amount of assets equal to the yield buffer from the deployer to the prize vault on deployment to cover the initial buffer. For example, if you are deploying a USDC vault and the yield buffer is set to 1e5, you will have to approve this factory to spend 1e5 USDC ($0.10) to be sent to the prize vault during deployment. Assuming there is no additional precision loss in the yield vault, a 1e5 yield buffer will cover the first 100k rounding errors on deposits and withdraws and is not recoverable by the deployer. If the yield buffer is depleted on a vault, the vault will prevent any further deposits if it would result in a rounding error and any rounding errors incurred by withdrawals will not be covered by yield. The yield buffer will be replenished automatically as yield accrues on deposits.

function deployVault(
string memory _name,
string memory _symbol,
IERC4626 _yieldVault,
PrizePool _prizePool,
address _claimer,
address _yieldFeeRecipient,
uint32 _yieldFeePercentage,
uint256 _yieldBuffer,
address _owner
) external returns (PrizeVault);


_namestringName of the ERC20 share minted by the vault
_symbolstringSymbol of the ERC20 share minted by the vault
_yieldVaultIERC4626Address of the ERC4626 vault in which assets are deposited to generate yield
_prizePoolPrizePoolAddress of the PrizePool that computes prizes
_claimeraddressAddress of the claimer
_yieldFeeRecipientaddressAddress of the yield fee recipient
_yieldFeePercentageuint32Yield fee percentage
_yieldBufferuint256The size of the prize vault yield buffer
_owneraddressAddress that will gain ownership of this contract


<none>PrizeVaultPrizeVault The newly deployed PrizeVault


Total number of vaults deployed by this factory.

function totalVaults() external view returns (uint256);


<none>uint256uint256 Number of vaults deployed by this factory.



Emitted when a new PrizeVault has been deployed by this factory.

event NewPrizeVault(
PrizeVault indexed vault, IERC4626 indexed yieldVault, PrizePool indexed prizePool, string name, string symbol


vaultPrizeVaultThe vault that was deployed
yieldVaultIERC4626The underlying yield vault
prizePoolPrizePoolThe prize pool the vault contributes to
namestringThe name of the vault token
symbolstringThe symbol for the vault token